Gain Access to the #1 Producers in the World

Before you ask...

Why is everything spelled wrong?

We want to prevent copywrite and provide the best user experience available.

Can I sell on Stock X?

Multiple vendors on these list have made perfect 1:1 batches that have passed on Stock X. Though they may be a perfect copy, Stock XYZ may still not pass you, if you haven't previously sold clothing on their app before. Nor would I condone selling reps as authentic.

Have you bought from these vendors before?

Me and my team have collectively sold tens of thousands of dollars worth of these products while maintaining integrity of them being 1:1.

Should I sell as authentic?

NO! Do not EVER sell reps as authentic.

I didn't get any link

If the link has not been sent to your email, within 24hrs, please take the time to contact us on- Instagram: Hawkscollective
Email us at: